One Planet One People Please


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The light of unity can illuminate the whole earth

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Posts: 4
Total votes: : 1

Last post: Jul 30, 2022, 08:15 PM
Re: Hello from White Light by White Light

Baha'i Answer Forum is New

Started by Tony Bristow-Stagg, Apr 18, 2022, 04:41 AM

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Tony Bristow-Stagg

Hello to all that read this, I hope you are well and happy.

If you have previously been a Member and contributed to Baha'i Answer Forum, then this is a note to say sorry. In my maintenance of the website I broke the forum link and was unable to work out how to fix it all, so the old SMF Data Base was lost. (Maybe it is still in the files ;D ,but it was well beyond my current tech level to figure out without breaking other aspects of the website)

It all happened while making it link directly to the domain and not directed through

Thus in the end, I started again.

Please rejoin and look forward to hearing from you one and all.

Regards Tony
One Planet One People Please.

The Earth is but One Country and Mankind its Citizens